Wednesday, June 22, 2016

2016 June 22 - Prayer

My Prayer

O God, 
My Hope and My Redeemer,
You have provided breath and light into my life
Yet while I knew you not, you pursued me across time and space
You have called me from the wilderness of my sin,
When I was hurting and naked, 
You touched my wounds and provided me your robe of righteousness
When I was blind and lost
You showed me the stars and filled my heart
When I could not speak in your presence nor raise my head
You gave song to my lips and rhythm to my heartbeat
When I was alone and lost, 
You called me "child" and guided my steps.
Please show me not the path where you may lead, 
For fear and trembling might well consume my heart,
I do not know what tomorrow may bring,
Hunger, pain, sorrow or even joy
But I do know that you are faithful and I shall never walk alone.
Let me set my desires upon the things you desire
Let me look through your eyes on a hurt and dying world
For then I shall see beauty in the scars and joy through the tears.
O God my comfort and peace

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